Thank you for your interest in volunteering in the Pennsbury School District! All Pennsbury School District volunteers play a vital role in supporting the staff, students, sports programs, and other activities of our schools. The following information is intended for volunteers (classroom, school, coach, and similar NON-PAID positions.) If you are being compensated through PSD by paycheck, parent fund, or student fund, you are NOT a volunteer.
The well-being and safety of all students are a top priority in Pennsbury School District. Please be aware that parents/guardians who volunteer in the school and parents/guardians who volunteer to be field trip chaperones must obtain prior background checks/clearances in advance. This will be strictly enforced to comply with District Policy and ensure the safety of the children. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and compliance with this policy.
How to Obtain Background Clearances:
1. Complete the Act 34 Criminal Background Check. The fee for volunteers who work with children is waived effective July 25, 2015.
2. Complete the Act 151 Child Abuse History Clearance. The fee for volunteers who work with children is waived effective July 25, 2015.
3. Prospective volunteers WHO HAVE NOT resided in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for ten consecutive years must also obtain FBI Clearance/Fingerprinting. The service code is 1KG6ZJ. The cost of the fingerprint service is $27.00. You must register prior to going to the fingerprinting location.
*A prospective volunteer is required to obtain only the Pennsylvania State criminal background and child abuse clearances and is not required to secure the above FBI/fingerprint clearance if, and only if, the following three conditions are met:
- The prospective volunteer is applying for an unpaid position.
- The prospective volunteer has been a resident of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania continuously for the prior ten-year period.
- The prospective volunteer swears or affirms in writing that the prospective volunteer has never been convicted of a disqualifying crime in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or another state, district, or foreign nation, or under a former law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Please be aware that background/safety clearances may take four weeks or longer to obtain. If you are interested in being a chaperone, please plan accordingly and obtain your paperwork early.
NOTE: Clearances will need to be renewed every 60 months.
Once you obtain your clearances, please click here or the box below to access the Volunteer Tracker Portal to sign-up to volunteer, review the requirements, and submit your clearances. Sign-up is required for both new and returning volunteers. Please do not apply to volunteer until you have obtained the necessary clearances.
The Volunteer Tracker will allow you to sign-up for volunteer opportunities specific to your building and/or classroom of choice. You will receive communication via email to update you on the latest upcoming event(s), clearance expiration, and review your participation level. Clearances/Background Checks are valid for five (5) years.
Click here to access the Volunteer Tracker Portal
Please click here to review Board Policy #916 on volunteering in the Pennsbury schools.
Volunteer Affirmation Form 2024-2025 School Year