Frequently Asked Questions
When will I know if my child is accepted into the program?
Families are usually notified in June about acceptance into the program. This usually occurs around the same time that the state budget is passed. If there is a delay in passing the state budget, there will be a delay in notifying families.
Is the program a half or full-day program?
The Pennsbury School District Pre-K Counts program is a full-day program. The hours of our program are from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM.
Where is the Pennsbury Pre-K Counts program located?
For the 2024 - 2025 school year all PreK Counts classrooms will be held at Village Park Elementary School. The building is located at 75 Unity Drive, Levittown, PA 19054.
Do I have to reside within Pennsbury School District to apply for the Pennsbury Pre-K Counts Program?
No, the Pennsbury School District Pre-K program is open to all residents of Pennsylvania. Students from other local districts are invited to apply.
My financial income is over the 300% financial guideline limit amount for my household size. Can I still apply for the Pre-K Counts program?
No, the Pre-K Counts program is a grant-funded program provided by the Office of Child Development and Early Learning. Since this is a grant-funded program, which is free of charge to all participants, we must adhere to the guidelines set forth by OCDEL.
I am over the income limit. Can I pay for my child to attend the program?
No, since this is a grant-funded program, all students MUST meet the financial guideline requirements.
Is transportation provided?
No, transportation is not provided to or from the program. Families are required to provide transportation to and from school each day.
My child receives Early Intervention services through an outside organization. Is my child able to receive these services at school?
Yes, we have several outside agencies that visit children in our Pre-K program and provide early intervention services to them during instructional hours.
How many students are in each classroom?
All of our classrooms have 18 students with one teacher and a paraprofessional.
What supplies does my child need for the program?
The grant pays for all costs of the program, including supplies and meals. Your child should arrive at school with a standard-sized backpack. All other necessary materials will be provided at no charge.
Where do I drop off my child's application?
All applications for the Pennsbury School District 3 & 4-year-old program MUST be submitted to Pennsbury School District Administration Building - Student Services Department, 134 Yardley Avenue, Fallsington, PA 19054.
My child needs before/after care is this provided by the PA PreK Counts grant? Is it on site?
The PA PreK Counts grant does not provide before or after care for students. Please click on the link for more information about the Child Care Works Subsidized Child Care Program. We are hopeful to be able to offer before and after care for the 24 - 25 school year on site at Village Park Elementary School. There will be a fee associated with this service as the program will be run by an outside child care provider. We are still in the planning phases of before and after care. Stay tuned for more information.