Email [email protected] or call 215-428-4100 ext. 84777 (TIPSS)
The Pennsbury School District is making a concerted effort to ensure that students who reside within our District boundaries are able to attend the school they are assigned to based on their home address. To help us, we have established a Confidential Residency Reporting Tip Line.
Please use the Confidential Residency Reporting Tip Line or this form if you believe someone is falsifying their student's address to attend the Pennsbury School District. Families that use false residency information can cost the District millions of dollars, leading to program cuts, reduced services, and increased school taxes. We carefully review all residency verification forms and conduct random home visits to certify student residences; however, sometimes, situations occur without our knowledge.
When calling the tip line, please speak slowly and clearly, leaving as much information as you can to help us verify the student’s status. As an example, the following information is very helpful:
- Name of student or family (if known)
- The address in question (very important)
- School student is attending
- Where you believe the student actually lives
- How you learned of student's non-district address. For example;
- The student may have told you
- You witness children being dropped off in the neighborhood
- You know the children do not live at an address full time
- You may have driven the student home after school or from a school event
- You may have visited the student at home
- Any other information you feel would be helpful to our investigators
You are providing this information anonymously. This information will not be shared with the student or the family. This information does, however, help our investigators in determining the validity of the student's address.
Thank you for supporting the Pennsbury School District's residency efforts.