The Pennsbury School District Board of Directors recognizes that although the primary purpose of the school buildings, facilities, and property is to provide students with an appropriate learning environment, the Board may make school facilities available for use by residents of the district, without discrimination and subject to limitations within the law and the efficient administration of the district, provided the use does not interfere with the educational program of the schools.
All persons or groups interested in the use of district facilities must complete and submit a Facilities Usage Application and any applicable fees. Applications may be dropped off or mailed to:
Pennsbury Administration Building
134 Yardley Avenue
Fallsington, PA 19058
Attn: Alexis Sakalauskas
Please click here to access the Facilities Usage Application
School Board Policy 707 Use of School Facilities
Group Designations for Fee Schedule
The district shall utilize a fee schedule where the following groups are designated as indicated below:
- Group A : Student Groups and School Support Groups
- Group B: Non-Profit and Community Groups
- Group C: Non-Profit out of District Groups
- Group D1: For-Profit Enrichment Groups
- Group D2: For-Profit Groups
School Board Policy 707.1 Building Grounds Usage Fee Schedule
School Board Policy 707, effective April 21, 2022
Groups B, C, & D are required to pay an application fee of $50.00
An HVAC fee of $100 per day will be charged to bring the building out of weekend/holiday set-back.
The basic fee schedule includes custodial care during regular hours.
Service fees shall be charged when additional labor and/or special services are required. (see charges below)
Summer Camps not sponsored by the Pennsbury School District will follow procedures in Administrative Procedure 707.4RI effective 2/22/17